The Simple Way To Create A Global, Thought Leadership Masterpiece With A Podcast, Book or TV Talk Show
You're in the right place, especially if you're a leader, consultant, coach, speaker, entrepreneur or small business owner who wants more leads and clients so you can amplify your voice, reach and impact.
Don't Die With Your Story Inside
Join us for this transformational journey that will unlock the power of your podcast or book!
Register Now to secure your spot in this life-changing masterclass.
The Influencers Formula™
Bonus Content
With this handy resource, you'll have everything you need… from idea to broadcast. Includes roadmap and audio training.
Our carefully crafted questions will help skip the mistakes that cost people five to 10 years and millions of dollars.
The Influencers Formula™ Roadmap (IFR) is a comprehensive path to instant expertise and thought leadership.
This simple tool will help you unblock and unlock what’s possible. “Because a light mind—is the right mind—to write.”
Join the next Podcast and Book Roadmap so you can be attracting revenue and making an impact before your podcast or book is done.
Here’s exactly what to do (and when) so you can become a bestselling author and cultivate relationships that amplify your income, influence, and impact.
What is the Influencers Formula™?
Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards success? Whether you're a podcaster, an author, or an aspiring influencer, the Influencers Formula has what you need to excel.
Be Seen
Don't die with your story inside. Instead, have conversations and avoid million dollar mistakes!
Be Heard
Quiet that inner voice, tap into your special sauce and use our blueprints, roadmaps and frameworks!
Be Easy to Follow
Use great storytelling to amplify, elevate and repurpose your content with the Champagne Glass pyramid!
Be The Solution
Position yourself and your expertise to make an impact, monetize and deliver value while serving your people.
“I am fortunate to have gained a six figure client, before my book was done, thanks to Ben Gioia’s coaching and mentorship around my business. Just need to finish the book now!”
— G. M., Speaker, Author, CEO
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Words from our clients
Jason "Wally" Waldron
Exitology - Unlock Your Profits, Unlock Your Potential show
“I heard those magic words: "We’re here to help you succeed"... the process is straightforward and she helped us implement. Because we’ve been recording & broadcasting the Exitology Unlock Your Profits, Unlock Your Potential show, we have content for a second book. It’s for marketing and to open doors to new listeners and colleagues… as we build our national platform like never before."
Wayne Carroll
"I cannot imagine doing a podcast without working with Donna at IBGR Network. Donna has an amazing onboarding process for setting up a whole season of podcasts. She guided me with templates, examples, tools, and feedback to help me create a professional podcast that is syndicated to all of the major podcast platforms. With Donna's help, I accomplished much more than I thought was possible for my podcast."
Author: Being Brown In A Black and White World,
Consultant: Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging
"If I hadn't joined Ben's group, my book would still be in my computer. It would still be there, I would still be wondering if it was okay… if it was the right time… if I could really do it… if I had something to say. And so being part of Ben's program, and working with Ben, and working with Chris, allowed me to do it. And I'm really, really proud of it! And can I share one thing!? ! I'm talking at Google Next month! somebody read my book at Google! And they're gonna pay me! And so that's like, brain exploding! So thank you, Ben!"
The Influencers Formula™
© Leadership Awake, LLC and FeelGD, LLC